Name ____________________________________   Date __________________________

                                                    Lesson 59 - Cornelius
                                                          Acts 10:23-48

1.  _______________________ and the three men started out the next day to see Cornelius.

2. He took _____________________ Jewish men with him to be his witnesses to the events

   which would take place.

3.  Who was at the house with Cornelius waiting for Peter's arrival?  ___________________


4.  When Peter arrived Cornelius fell down and began to ___________________________

     him.  Peter said, "_____________________ up.  I am only a ______________________


5.  What did Cornelius say when Peter asked him why he had sent for him?



6.  Peter preached to them about ____________________________________.

7.   While he was preaching, the __________________________ ______________________

     fell on the listeners, and they began to speak in other _________________________________.

8.   Peter ordered them to be ____________________________________.

9.  When Peter told his Jewish brethren about what had happened, they ____________________

     God that the ______________________________ had been accepted by Him.

                                                                Word Bank
Holy Spirit Jesus Stand
tongues Peter Gentiles worship
praised six man baptized