
Preview the Amazon books using the links below.

Florence Nightingale
by Shannon Zemlicka (selected pages)

Florence Nightingale, Lady With the Lamp, Graphic Library
by Trina Robbins (selected pages)

Florence Nightingale, First Biographies
by Lola M. Schaefer, Wyatt Schaefer (selected pages)

Florence Nightingale,History Maker Bios
by Susan Bivin Aller (selected pages)

Life and Times, Florence Nightingale
by Emma Lynch (selected pages)

A Picture Book of Florence Nightingale
by Alexandra Wallner, John Wallner (selected pages)

Start-up Connections, Florence Nightingale
by Stewart Ross (selected pages)

Slideshow pictures courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, (search for Florence Nightingale ) and Library of Congress