Going to Jerusalem

       Jesus  was  going  to  the  city.  He was
riding  on  a  colt.   All  eyes  were on  him.
      The  people  were  so  happy  to  see him!
They  took  branches  from  the trees  and
placed them  in  the  road.  They  put  their
coats  on the  ground.
      They  shouted, "Blessed  is  the  king who
comes  in  the  name  of  the  Lord!"

                     The Widow's Gift

     Jesus  was  at  the  temple.  He  was
watching the  people  bring  their  gifts  of
money.  Some of  them  put  in  a  lot of  money.
 The  poor widow  came,  too.  She  put  in
two  very  small copper coins.
      Jesus  said, "She  put  in  more  than all  the
others.  She  gave  everything she  had  to
live  on."