      The  city  of  Jericho  had a  big  wall
around it.  What  could  they  do?  God says
to   march around  it  once  every day  for  six
days.  On  day seven,  they were  to  go  around
seven  times. The people  gave  a  shout.  The
walls  fell down!


      Samson  was  a  very  strong  man.  God
had said, "Let  his  hair  grow." A  woman
tricked  him, and  they  cut  his  hair.  He  did
not  know  it was gone.  When  he  woke  up,
he  was  no longer strong.  Now  he  would
be  a slave.


       Did  Ruth  love  her  mother-in-law?
Yes,  she loved  her.  She wanted  to move
with  her  toa  new  land.  She would  work
to  get  food  for  them.
       Boaz  said, "You're  a  good  woman.
I  want  to  marry  you."
