Name _____________________________   Date ___________________________

                                  Sailing the Catboat by Winslow Homer, 1836-1910

1.   Who was Winslow Homer's first art teacher?  _____________________________

2.   For which magazine was he an illustrator?  ________________________________

3.   Where did he live that inspired him to paint seascapes?  ______________________



4.   Look at the link, A Study of Snap the Whip.  How did he make the three different 

      pictures of Snap the Whip?   _________________________________________



5.   Name three paintings by Winslow Homer that feature boats and the sea.




6.   How much did Bill Gates pay for a Winslow Homer seascape?  (See article from

      Antique Talk.)  ____________________________________________________

7.  What is your favorite outdoor game?  Tell how to play it.  ____________________



