Name _____________________________  Date ____________________________________

                              Woman Walking in an Exotic Forest by Henri Rousseau 1844-1910

1.   Henri was a musician as well as an artist.  What instrument did he play and what kind of song
      did he write?



2.  Why did his friends call him Le Douanier?  _________________________________________


3.  How old was he when he began to paint full-time?  ___________________________________

4.  How did he learn how to paint?  _________________________________________________


5.  In which of his own paintings did he copy from Delacroix? _____________________________


6.  What did he do to make his paintings look dream-like or fanciful?  _______________________


7.  Describe (tell about) the painting The Sleeping Gypsy.  _______________________________



8. In which painting do you see a monkey with a fishing pole?  (See Links) ___________________


9. Why do you think  the story described Rousseau as a lonely man?   _______________________

