Name _______________________   Date __________________________

                                        David Playing Before Saul by Cavallino, 1616-1656

                             View the enlarged  picture while you answer the questions.

1. In what city and country was Cavallino born? _____________________________________

2. What kind of pictures did he like to paint? _______________________________________


3.What was wrong with King Saul that caused them to call for a musician? 


4. What else did David do besides play music? _____________________________________


5. What calls your attention to David in the painting? _________________________________


6.  How was David later related to the king?  _______________________________________


7.  In the painting of Queen Esther by Cavallino, who is the king in the picture? (See links)


8.  Tell about a musical instrument that you play or an instrument that you would like to
     learn how to play.



