Name _____________________________  Date ___________________________

                              Apples and Oranges by Paul Cezanne, 1839-1906

1.   Why did Cezanne want to go to Paris? ____________________________________


2.  What did his father want him to do? _______________________________________


3.   How did his paintings change over the years?  ________________________________


4.   What happened in 1895 that brought success to Cezanne?  ______________________


5. In the painting Apples and Oranges, how does the white cloth in the background affect

   the painting?  How would it have looked if he had not used the white cloth?  ___________



6.  Cezanne liked to use shapes. Which objects in the picture are spheres?  _____________


     Which object is cone shaped?  ___________________________________________

     Which object is shaped like a cylinder? _____________________________________

7.  If you wanted to practice drawing these shapes, what would you choose to draw?

     sphere: _____________________________________________________________

     cone _______________________________________________________________

     cylinder _____________________________________________________________

8.  Draw some of these shapes on the back of this page.