1. |
What reward did Mr.Alden want to give Dr. Moore?
He wanted to give him |
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2. |
What did Dr. Moore say about the reward? He ___________________________________________
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3. |
What did Mr. Henry (Alden) tell the children about his garden? He told them _____________
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4. |
How could a big cucumber get inside a little jar? The cucumber was in the jar because |
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5. |
Why did Henry think Mr. Alden couldn't possibly be their grandfather? Henry thought |
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6. |
What had made the noise the children had heard one night outside the boxcar? |
The noise had been made by_________________________________________________________ |
7. |
When had Dr. Moore been inside the boxcar? Dr. Moore had visited the boxcar when |
________________________________________________________________________ |
8. |
Who else had seen the boxcar? The other person was ________________________ |
9. |
What did Mr. Alden want the children to see the next day? He wanted them to see________ |
________________________________________________________________________ |