Name _________________________________ Date _________________________________
Boxcar Children, Chapter 4
1. What was wrong with the dog that came to the boxcar? The dog
2. How did Jessie help the dog? Jessie helped the dog by __________________________
3. What did the children pick to eat? The children picked_________________
4. Name three things Henry bought for them to eat. Henry bought
5. Why did Jessie cut the loaf into five pieces instead of four? Jessie cut the loaf into five pieces because
6. What did they use to make their beds in the boxcar? They used ______________________
7. Where did they get water to drink? They got water ________________________
8. Why is it a good thing for them to have a dog It is good for them to have a dog because
9. Why is it not a good thing for them to have a dog? It is not good for them to have a dog because