Name _________________________________ Date _________________________________
Boxcar Children, Chapter 7
1. What did Mrs. Moore want Henry to do in the garden? She wanted Henry to
2. Mrs. Moore thought Henry wanted the vegetable to feed his ________________________.
3. How did Violet make a fire extinguisher? Violet ____________________________
4. What did Dr. Moore want Henry to clean up? He wanted Henry to
5. Which nails did Henry put in his pocket? Henry put __________________________
6. How many hammers did Dr. Moore have and how many hammers did he give to Henry? Dr. Moore
7. How did they make a ladle? They__________________________________
8. What was Benny going to carry in his cart? Benny was going to carry
9. When they went to sleep that night, what was Benny touching? Benny had his hand
10. What was under Henry's pillow that night? Under Henry's pillow _____________________