Beany Goes To Camp
Chapter 5 – Last Day
Multiple Choice
Please fill in the circle before the correct answer in the questions
1. On the last day of camp, what was Beany nervous about?
O Going home
O Not seeing Skye again
O Diving
O Wondering if Carol Ann would
still be her friend
2. What helped Beany decide to dive?
O Daisy helped her learn.
O She saw Skye swim across the lake.
O She watched the baby birds fly.
O All of the above.
3. Who won the contest for the best Cabin?
O Cherokees
O Mohawks
O Sioux
O Kiowas
4. Why did Daisy give each camper a stick to throw in the
O To keep the fire going longer
O To make a wish
O To help clean up the branches around
the campground.
O To keep so they would remember her.
5. What was Skye and Beany’s wish?
O That Carol Ann break her leg
O That Daisy get married and have children
of her own.
O That they both see each other at camp
next year
O That they never have to return to
Camp Onondaga again.