Name _______________________ | Date ___________________ |
Lesson 23 Test - The Child Jesus
1. ______________________ tells Mary that she will have a son. She is to name him __________________________. 2. This child would be the Son of ___________________. 3. Mary and Joseph traveled to ___________________________ to pay their taxes. When they arrived, there was no room in the ___________________. That night Jesus was born in the ___________________. 4. An angel told the shepherds, " Do not be ________________________. A Savior who is Christ the Lord is _____________________ tonight." 5. _____________________ _________________ from the east followed a star to Jerusalem in search of Jesus. When they found him, they gave him gifts of ___________________, ______________________ and __________________. 6. When Jesus was __________________ years old, Mary and Joseph took him with them to Jerusalem for the Feast of the __________________________. When they left the feast to go home, Jesus stayed behind. They found him in the _________________________ talking to the _______________________. 7. He went back to Nazareth and was obedient to them. Jesus grew in ________________ and in _____________________, and in favor with God and ____________________..
Egypt | son | stable | gold | Gabriel |
teachers | Bethlehem | sheep | wise men | four |
frankincense | God | wisdom | myrrh | stature |
inn | Passover | born | Jesus | twelve |
birds | men | afraid | temple | John |