Name _________________________ Date ___________________


                                           Lesson 26 Test - The Teachings of Jesus

1.  Jesus taught people to be peacemakers so they could be known as ___________________

    of God.

2. How are we to treat our enemies and those who mistreat us?



3.  Jesus compares his followers to three things;  a city set on a hill, _____________________,

    and a _________________________ to show others the way.

4.  Why did Jesus say we should not worry?  _____________________________________


5. One day ________________________ brought their __________________________

    to see Jesus.

6.  The disciples thought Jesus was too ______________________ to see them.

7.  Jesus said, "Let the little _________________________ come to me,  and  do not

     ________________________________ them, for the ______________________

   of God belongs to such as ______________________."

blessings children salt pray
hurt busy love mothers
kingdom servants God
these light tired hinder

Some words may be used more than once.