Name _________________________ Date ___________________
                                     Lesson 29 Test -  Jesus Teaches About Giving

1.  Jesus was sitting in the ______________________________ watching the people put

     __________________________ in the boxes.

2. The poor widow put in ________________________ small ______________________.

3.  What did Jesus say about her gift? __________________________________________



4.  Jesus told a story about a man who had _______________________ and 


5.  Some of the people in the story were pleasing to God.  Jesus said they had given him

    ___________________,  __________________, and _____________________.

6.  He said they had visited him when he was ____________________________ and

    in _______________________.

7.  How was it possible for these people to do these things for Jesus? 



cows food sick least clothes
three temple brothers coins sheep
money goats two drink prison