Lesson 38 - The Temptation of Christ
Luke 4:1-13
1. Jesus fasted in the wilderness for _________________ days.
2. When Jesus was hungry, Satan told him to command the ____________________
to become ____________________________.
3. Jesus said, "Man shall not live by ___________________________ alone, but by
every _____________________________ that proceeds from the mouth of God.
4. Satan told Jesus that he had the authority to give him all the ____________________
of the _____________________________.
5. Jesus said, "You shall worship the _______________________ your ______________,
and Him only you shall _______________________________.
6. Satan told Jesus to throw himself from the top of the ____________________________
and ___________________________ would rescue him.
7. Jesus answered, "You shall not ______________________________ the Lord
your God.
8. When Satan left, _____________________________ came and ministered to Jesus.
(Use these words to help with the spelling. You will use some words more than once.)
God forty word world
stones serve angels bread