Name ____________________________  Date _____________________________

                                            Lesson 43 - Jesus Feeds the Multitude
                                                                    John 6:1-15

1.  The people came to see Jesus because of the ___________________________

     and they wanted to be ________________________ of their sicknesses.

2.  Jesus had just learned of the death of _________________________ the


3.  Jesus crossed the _________________ of ___________________________

     in a boat, but the people followed him.

4.  There were about ____________________ men in the crowd besides the

    women and children.

5.  Jesus asked ___________________where they could buy bread to feed  the people.

6.  __________________________ brought a boy who had a lunch.

7.  The boy's lunch was five ____________________   ________________

     and two ______________________.

8.  Jesus told the disciples to have the people sit in groups of _______  and ________.

9.  Jesus gave ___________________ before he broke the bread.

10.  After everyone had eaten there were _________   baskets full of leftovers.

(Use the words to help with spelling.  There will be some extra words .)

Sea                         Andrew                            Baptist                               thanks

miracles                  500                                   Philip                                 50

100                        barley                                healed                                fish

5,000                     John                                  Galilee                                loaves

Peter                      12                                      Red                                   20