Lesson 44 - Peter Confesses Jesus
Matthew 16:13-29
1. Jesus was teaching in the area of _________________________ ______________________.
2. Jesus asked His disciples, " ______________________ do men say that ______ _________?"
3. Some people thought Jesus was John the _______________________________,
________________________________, or _____________________________.
4. Peter's answer was , "You are the ____________________________, the ________________
of the living __________________________."
5. ______________________ had revealed this to Peter.
6. Jesus told Peter, "Whatever you _______________________ on earth will be bound in
heaven, and whatever you ____________________________ on earth will be
loosed in _____________________________."
7. When Peter started telling Jesus that He would not have to ____________________________,
Jesus said to him, "Get ________________________ Me, _________________________."
8. Jesus was changed on the _____________________________ in the presence of
_______________________, __________________,
and _________________________.
(Use the words to help with spelling. You will use some words
more and once and there is an
extra word.)
Christ Jeremiah God John
suffer bind Jonah I am
Son Caesarea Philippi behind Peter
heaven mountain loose Elijah
Baptist John James Satan