Name ______________________________    Date _______________________________

                                Lesson 48 - Down Through the Roof
                                                                    Mark 2:1-12

1.  Jesus was in a house in the town of ______________________________________.

2.  Some men brought their friend to see __________________.

3.  The friend could not move.  He was a __________________________________.

4.  In order to see Jesus, the men took their friend up on the ______________________.

5.  When Jesus saw the man, he said, " Son, your _______________________  are


6.  Jesus said, "Which is easier to say ' Your _____________________________

    are _________________________________, or Take up your ________________

   and _____________________________'?"

7. Why was it easier to say the first thing?



8.  What was the "harder" thing that Jesus said?



Word bank.   (You will use some words more than once.)

forgiven                                    walk                                paralyzed

paralytic                                    bed                                   Jesus

roof                                           Capernaum                        sins