Lesson 49 - Raising of Lazarus
John 11:1-46
1. Three of Jesus' good friends were _______________________, ______________________,
and ____________________________.
2. Jesus delayed going to Bethany until __________________________ had been dead for
_________________________ days.
3. When Jesus told Martha that her brother would rise again, she thought he was talking about the
____________________________________________ of the dead at the end of time.
4. The two women both said to Jesus that if He had been there, their ______________________
would not have __________________________________.
5. He was buried in a __________________________ with a __________________________
over the opening.
6. When he came out of the tomb, he was wrapped with strips of ___________________________
and had a __________________________ around his face.
7. Because of this miracle, many ______________________________ now believed on Jesus.
8. Why didn't Jesus go on to Bethany when Martha first called for him to come?
Word bank. (You will use some words more than once.)
cave four brother
resurrection Lazarus Martha
Mary died stone
cloth linen Jews