Name _______________________________   Date _____________________________________

                                                    Lesson 54 - Tongues of Fire
                                                             Acts 2:1-41

1.  Two Jewish feasts were _____________________________ and ________________________.

2.  The Feast of Weeks that came at the end of wheat harvest was the Feast of ______________________.

3.  The people heard a loud sound which sounded like rushing _________________________.

4.  _____________________  appeared and sat upon each of the disciples.

5.   They began to speak in other _______________________________ which they had never


6.  When the men began to preach, each person heard the message in his own


7.  The prophet __________________________ had told about this event years before.

8.  Peter preached to them about __________________________.  He said that God had shown

     his approval of him by _____________________ and ______________________________.

9.  When Peter finished speaking, the people asked, " Brothers, ______________________

      ____________________________   __________  ______________?"

10.  Peter told them to __________________________ and be _________________________,

      and they would receive the gift of the _______________________   ___________________.

11.  __________________________ people were baptized that day.

                                    Word Bank   (You will use some words more than once.)
language Jesus Pentecost Fire What
Holy Spirit shall repent signs languages
do Passover 3,000 wind 5,000
miracles water Joel baptized we