There were many leaders in the early church, but few were as humble and
influential as Barnabas. His name meant "Son of Encouragement".
When Paul was a new convert he went to Jerusalem and tried to contact
the believers there, but they were afraid of him.
What if he was just pretending to be a believer in Christ? What if he
was really just trying to find them and arrest them?
Barnabas saw what was happening. He introduced Paul to the Christians
and they accepted him.
Later Barnabas would go to Tarsus looking for Paul again. He found him
and brought him to the city of Antioch and the two of them preached in
the city for a whole year.
The Holy Spirit directed the work of Paul and Barnabas , and they
traveled to many cities preaching the good news about Jesus.
Once Paul and Barnabas had a sharp disagreement. Paul was
reluctant to take John Mark with them, but Barnabas, always ready
to encourage, wanted to give his relative a second chance.
They settled it by parting ways. Barnabas took John Mark with him to
the island of Cyprus, and Paul took another preacher, Silas with
him through Syria. They agreed on this compromise and God's work