Acts 17:24-25

Fill in the blanks using the New King James Version of the Bible.

God, who made the _________ and _________
in it, since He is
_________ of _________
_________, does not dwell in _________
made with
_________ Nor is He _________

 with men’s
_________, as though He

anything, since He gives to all

_________, _________, and _________ things.

"Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson,
   Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved."

Paul in Athens

Paul was waiting for Silas and Timothy in Athens. As he walked around the city he saw many beautiful buildings. He also saw numerous idols. Men would carve statues out of stone or wood, and they would call them their gods. They would bow down and worship these statues as if the stone or wood had some power.
They wanted to make sure they hadn't left out some "god" so they made an idol "To an unknown god". Paul said, "I want to tell you about this God", and he began to tell them about the true God who had created the world and everything in it. He told them about Jesus and how he had come to earth, been killed and made alive again.
The people of Athens were extremely interested. They loved to hear new ideas, and this was certainly something new to them. Some people believed the preaching of Paul and became followers.
If you visit Athens today you can climb the tall hill and view the Acropolis. You will see the ruins of the same buildings Paul viewed when he preached to the Athenians. During Paul's time the buildings were already over 400 years old. Today they are more than 2400 years old.