Name _________________________________ Date _________________________________
Go Fish
Chapter 1 - Comprehension
Use the book to answer the following questions using COMPLETE SENTENCES.
1. How did Thomas break his ankle?__________________________________________
2. Where do Thomas and his grandfather live? ______________________________
3. What caused Thomas to spill the milk? ______________________________
4. On page 6, the author put 3 small boxes in the center of the page. Why?
5. Grandfather is ignoring Thomas. List 5 things Thomas does to get attention.
6. How does Thomas finally get his grandfather's attention?__________________
7. Why is Thomas bored?_____________________________________________
8. In the center of page 2, it says, "Grandfather didn't hear. Or didn't listen."
Explain how the author thinks those are different.___________________________
9. On the bottom of page 5, Thomas says, "This isn't easy." in a loud voice.
What was his reason for saying that? ________________________________________
10. Does Ringo really talk? ___________ Why can Thomas "hear" him?_______________