Name _________________________________ Date _________________________________
Go Fish
Chapter 3 - Comprehension
Use the book to answer the following questions using COMPLETE SENTENCES.
1. What is the first fish Thomas catches? _____________ Describe it________________________
2. What is the sescond fish they catch?__________ Tell about it. _______________________
3. What happened to the third fish they caught? ________________________________
4. How many trout did they catch all together? _______ How many did they keep?
5. Grandfather tells Thomas they must be patient for "as long as it takes."
What are they waiting for? ________________________________________________________
6. Why does Grandfather return some of the fish back to the water? _____________________
7. Why does Grandfather believe Thomas should bring the trout in by himself?
8. Thomas talks about putting the fish "in the book." What does he mean? ___________________
9. Why do you think dinner is going to taste so good to Thomas and Grandfather tonight?
10. Why does Thomas say he forgot to be tired? ____________________________________