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Theodore Roosevelt

Twenty-sixth President of the United States
Born in 1858 - Died in 1919

Theodore Roosevelt<BR>
Theodore Roosevelt was small and weak when he was a boy. His eyesight was bad, and he suffered from asthma.* (AZ muh) With the help of his father, he was able to overcome his weakness. He lifted weights and practiced gymnastics every day. He also rode horseback, swam, hiked, and studied wrestling, boxing and judo.

The hard work paid off. He overcame his asthma and became well and strong. During the time when he was ill, he had to spend a lot of time in bed. He loved to read, and continued to love reading all his life.

Roosevelt liked a challenge. He left his home in New York and went to North Dakota to become a rancher. He read everything he could about ranching, and hired people who could teach him about cattle.

He didn't let anything stand in the way of duty. Once when he was running for president, someone shot him in the chest. He insisted on giving his speech before he had his wound treated. He said, "I have a message to deliver, and I will deliver it as long as there is life in my body."

He only slept 4 or 5 hours a night. He would sit up and read or work while his family slept.

He was a military man. His motto was, "Speak softly and carry a big stick."

Once in a battle in the Spanish-American war, he led
his cavalry soldiers* (called Rough Riders) straight up San Juan Hill, even though he feared that he or his soldiers might be wounded.

The Rough Riders, Tampa Florida
Teddy Roosevelt on the right

He was also very concerned about America's natural resources; the land, forests, and rivers. He agreed to protect 150 million acres of wilderness land.

Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado
created by Roosevelt in 1906

During cattle drives, he worked right along beside the cowboys.

He went into politics because he decided he needed to serve the public. He was honest, and expected others to be honest, also.

He served as the 26th president of the United States from 1901 to 1909. He helped to bring about the construction of the Panama Canal.

When he was young, he promised himself he would live his life "to the hilt"* until he was 60. And that is just what he did.

This biography by Patsy Stevens, a retired teacher, was written in 2001.

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From Word Central's Student Dictionary
by Merriam - Webster

(Pronunciation note: the schwa sound is shown by ə)

Pronunciation: 'az-mə
Function: noun
a condition that is marked by difficulty in breathing with
wheezing, a feeling of tightness in the chest, and coughing ...

Pronunciation: 'hilt
Function: noun
: a handle especially of a sword or dagger
- to the hilt : COMPLETELY...

Pronunciation: 'kav-əl-rE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ries
: troops mounted on horseback or moving in motor vehicles or helicopters

Research Links

Theodore Roosevelt
American Presidents, Life Portraits

Theodore Roosevelt
from Theodore Roosevelt Association

Information about Theodore Roosevelt
(Look in the box top left) at Humanities Web

Theodore Roosevelt
Nobel Prize winner

Theodore Roosevelt

Ride With Theodore Roosevelt
put yourself in the story

Theodore Roosevelt Lesson Plan
(You must register to access lessons.)

Medora (audio) and
Roosevelt, Remington, and the West (audio)
Engines of Our Ingenuity.

McKinley and Roosevelt
video lesson
(Click on the topics "Interactive Media Files",
be sure volume is turned up.)

At search for Theodore Roosevelt.
Scroll the panel for the "Video & Audio Results".


Press "Go" to search for books about Theodore Roosevelt.


Yo! Millard Fillmore
by Will Cleveland, Mark Alvarez, Tate Nation (selected pages) Order here

Theodore Roosevelt, History Maker Bios
by Gwenyth Swain (selected pages) Order here

Theodore Roosevelt: American Rough Rider
by John A. Garraty (selected pages) Order here

Theodore Roosevelt National Park
by John Hamilton (selected pages) Order here

The Remarkable Rough-Riding Life of Theodore Roosevelt
by By Cheryl Harness (selected pages) Order here

Letters to His Children
by Theodore Roosevelt (selected pages) Order here

Theodore Roosevelt, First Biographies
by Judy Emerson (selected pages) Order here

Theodore Roosevelt, Photo-illustrated Biographies
by Steve Potts (selected pages) Order here

Preview these Amazon books using the links below.

Theodore Roosevelt, Presidents and Their Times
by Dan Elish (selected pages)

My Tour of Europe by Theodore Roosevelt, Age 10
by Theodore Roosevelt, Ellen Jackson (selected pages)

Theodore Roosevelt, Presidential Leaders
by Stephanie Sammartino McPherson (selected pages)

Theodore Roosevelt, Profiles of the Presidents
by Robert Green (selected pages)

Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States
by Tamara L. Britton (selected pages)

Theodore Roosevelt: Bear of a President. Graphic Library
by Nathan Olson, Mark Heike, Barbara Schulz (selected pages)

Credits and Solutions

Portrait of Theodore Roosevelt in the public domain at
Wikimedia Commons

Puzzles on these pages courtesy of
Songs of Praise and Armored Penguin

* Word Match Solution

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very helpfull
it needs date like 1856
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