Born 1821 - Died after 1880

John Yancy Flack was born 1821 in Guilford County, N.C. He married Priscilla Apple August 17, 1839 and they were the parents of nine children. John Yancy enlisted in the Civil War in 1862,
age 41. He enlisted for three years or the length of the war.
We have several muster sheets showing:
Wounded at Gettysburg August 23, 1862.
In Hospital July 18, 1863.
Wounded in Battle May 5, 1864.
At home sick August 28, 1864.
Captured Strausburg October 19, 1864.
Paroled Prisoner of War May 11, 1865.
Priscilla died October of 1872. John Yancy and family soon moved to Tennessee where the youngest daughter, Martha Lavina Katheryn Flack, married Be Alexander Howell Carrell in March, 1874. She was seventeen at the time.
One of their children was Solomon Jocephas Carrell, father of Wilma Elta, Vera Lou, and Thelma Katherine.
Source: Thelma Carrell Jones