Wilma and I began school there in a little one room schoolhouse. We walked to school, and having to go through a pasture with cows in it, we were always afraid. Then just before we got to school, we had to walk across a creek on a log, and we were always afraid we would fall off. Too many things to scare us on our way to and from school. Remember, I was just a first grader.

Uncle Guy seemed more than just an uncle to us. He was close and always around when we were small. He was very protective of us. Wilma and I walked to school and were always being taunted and run home by some boys that walked part way with us. Uncle Guy told us the next time that happened and we didn't do anything about it, we were going to get a spanking. So the next time that happened, we picked up rocks and threw at them. They left us alone from then on.

Living at Joshua Going to Church