
Slideshow pictures courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, (search for Mark Twain)

Picture Credits

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Mark Twain seated statue, Mark Twain Elementary School, Houston, Texas
Mark Twain house in Hartford, Connecticut
Mark Twain boyhood home
Tree slab of the "Mark Twain" tree
Stump of "Mark Twain" which was cut down
The story of the Mark Twain tree
Mark Twain sculpture
Mark Twain stone sculpture
Mark Twain Museum
Huck Finn quilt
Mark Twain house and museum
Wax Museum, St. Louis, Missouri
London Royal Wax Museum
Mark Twain sculpture
History statues, Wichita, Kansas

Huckleberry Finn, Chapter 1 at the museum
Mark Twain museum
Norman Rockwell painting of Tom Sawyer
Mark Twain museum
Mark Twain house and museum, set of pictures (flickr cliff 1006)
Mark Twain set of pictures (flickr Lance and Erin)
Mark Twain set of pictures (flickr The Cawley Family)
Mark Twain set of pictures (flickr sk0t)