Toca Tu Cabeza

en la cabeza

Print the words of the song

Sing the song to the tune of "Skip to My Lou".

Touch your he-ad,
To-ca tu ca-be-za ,
Touch your he-ad,
To-ca tu ca-be-za ,

Repeat the song for each part of the head.

forehead, la frente (think "front" of the head)

eyebrow, la ceja

eyes, los ojos (Think of the "o's" in the word as eyes.)

ears, las orejas

cheeks, las mejillas

mouth, la boca

tongue, la lengua

neck, el cuello

hair, el pelo

nose, la nariz (nose and nariz both start with "n".)

mustache, el bigote

teeth, los dientes (think "dentist" )

lips, los labios

chin, la barbilla

beard, la barba

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