
Preview these Amazon books using the links below.

A Picture Book of Christopher Columbus
book by Alexandra Wallner, John C. Wallner (selected pages)

Admiral of the Ocean Sea - A Life of Christopher Columbus
by Samuel Eliot Morison (selected pages)

Christopher Columbus: Famous Explorer
by Mary Dodson Wade, Rod Whigham, Charles Barnett, III (selected pages)

Christopher Columbus
book by Lola M. Schaefer (selected pages)

Christopher Columbus and the Voyage of 1492
by Dan Abnett (selected pages)

Christopher Columbus, History Maker Bios
by Susan Bivin Aller (selected pages)

Slideshow pictures courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, (search for Christopher Columbus)

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Columbus, Huelva, Spain
Recreation of Columbus' ships
View a set of Columbus pictures
Base of the Columbus statue in Barcelona, Spain
Colomares Castle, Spain
Monument in Seville, Spain
Columbus statue on Gran Canaria
Columbus statue in Boston