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Tune: "Is It For Me?"
Verse 1:
The crowd was com-ing toward them
The Lord be-gan to spea-k,
"Where shall we buy bread for them?
These peo-ple need to eat."
The a-n-swer came from Phi-l-ip,
"Much mon-ey will not feed
These peo-ple e-ven on-e bite.
More mon-ey we would need."
Verse 2:
Then An-drew found a lad with a
Lunch that he had brou-ght;
Five bar-ley loaves and two fish.
"But what is that?" he thought.
But J-e-sus with this sma-ll lunch
More than five thou-sand fed.
Left-o-vers filled twelve bas-ket-fuls
And then the peo-ple said,
Verse 3:
"To us in-to this wor-ld
A pro-phet now has co-me."
They sought to make him their king,
They thought he was the one
Who would fe-ed them and hea-l them.
They did not un-der-stand
His mis-sion was a ho-ly one.
He with-drew from their land.
Print lyrics "Is It For Me?"
Hear the tune "Is It For Me?" by Tullius C. O'Kane.
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