Kids, here's a game about the Presidents of the United States. If you
get the right answer, you will see
and one of our art projects. If it is incorrect, you will see the bookworm still searching for the answer. His thoughts will be in red.
After you have tested yourself on all the questions, go through the questions again and let Professor Bookworm teach you some interesting facts about all the Presidents. Have fun!
(Hold your mouse lightly over Professor Bookworm to see what he is thinking.)
Press "Go" to search for books about Presidents of the United States.
A week ahead of time, let the children choose the President they want
to present and bring to school four interesting facts that they have learned about the president they have have researched.
Each child needs four 9"squares of white construction paper. The paper
is folded following the teacher's instructions. "Fold each sheet in half
from corner to corner until you can see two large triangles. Unfold. Fold
it the other way from corner to corner. Now your paper has two creases that make
and "x" on the paper. With your scissors start cutting from one corner ONLY
When you fold the two small triangles one on top of the other,
you have a base for one part of your quadrarama. Don't glue these together yet.
You want to make your background first. You will do this with all four pieces
of white construction paper until you have four sections. Make scenes with construction paper, markers,
crayons, and craft material.
When your scenes are all finished, attach a 24" piece of yarn
to the bottom, bring it up through the middle and glue the four sections together
with Elmer's glue. You will need to do some extra gluing to make it really neat, and you
may have to hold it together with large paper clips until it is dry." It is now ready to hang
from the ceiling or a curtain.

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Graphics Credits:
Professor Bookworm courtesy of Kitty at: