Test example
These FREE online tests were designed to accompany lessons that appear on Garden of Praise.
Teachers may register and allow the students in their classes to take the tests which will be computer graded.
The teacher can then print out the resulting grades. There is also a printable version of each online test.

The ART LESSONS can be found at Famous Paintings

The BIBLE LESSONS are at Children's Bible Lessons

The BIOGRAPHIES can all be found at Biographies for Kids

The online biography tests are very detailed. It will be helpful if students study the biography carefully,
and if possible work some of the accompanying activities before taking the online test.

Jeopardy Game

The newest activity, Jeopardy, as well as the other activities can be used as practice before taking the tests.

Thanks to my son and daughter-in-law, Elton and Leslie Smith for helping to produce these activities.
Visit them at Songs of Praise.

These online tests can also be used in reading classes to teach reading comprehension and reading for detail.

All the material at Garden of Praise is free without subscription.
If you have benefited and would like to help maintain the site,
use the button below and I will send a mailing address.
Link to Email Mrs. Stevens Form

Teachers, register or login to administer your classes.
There are currently 236 tests and 16707 registered users.
Bible Lesson tests have been taken on this site 120994 times with an average grade of 86.7.
Biography tests have been taken on this site 123766 times with an average grade of 77.9.
Art lesson tests have been taken on this site 20753 times with an average grade of 82.6.

Art Lessons

Albert Bierstadtonline test print test
Albrecht Dureronline test print test
Anthony Van Dyckonline test print test
Claude Monetonline test print test
Diego Riveraonline test print test
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Bible Lessons

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Danielonline test print test
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David and Jonathanonline test print test
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The Riot in Ephesusonline test print test
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The Temptation of Jesusonline test print test
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Zacchaeusonline test print test


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