An article, sometimes called an article adjective is a little word
used before a noun to point to something.

The article the points to a definite (particular) person, place, or thing:

I saw the boy on the bus.
Please put the book on the shelf .
We went to the stadium .

The article a points to an indefinite (no particular)
person, place, or thing. Use the article a in front of
a word that begins with a consonant.

The farmer has a cow on the farm.
We will eat a hamburger for lunch .
The girl likes to fly a kite .

The article an points to an indefinite (no particular)
person, place, or thing. Use the article an in front of
a word that begins with a vowel.

He ate an olive with his sandwich.
She picked an apple from the tree .
We use an umbrella when it rains .

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Object of
the Preposition

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Article Page

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Thanks to Bill Basham for the use of the midi.