Dancing One Dancing Two


It is easy to multiply a number by 10, 100, or even 1,000.

To multiply a number x 10, just put a 0 after the number.

1 x 10 =
1 0

2 x 10 =
2 0

3 x 10 =
3 0

4 x 10 =
4 0

5 x 10 =
5 0

6 x 10 =
6 0

7 x 10 =
7 0

8 x 10 =
8 0

9 x 10 =
9 0

10 x 10 =
10 0

To multiply a number x 100, just put 00 after the number.

1 x 100 =
1 00

2 x 100 =
2 00

3 x 100 =
3 00

4 x 100 =
4 00

5 x 100 =
5 00

6 x 100 =
6 00

7 x 100 =
7 00

8 x 100 =
8 00

9 x 100 =
9 00

10 x 100 =
10 00

To multiply a number x 1,000, just put 000 after the number.

1 x 1000 =
1 000

2 x 1000 =
2 000

3 x 1000=
3 000

4 x 1000 =
4 000

5 x 1000 =
5 000

6 x 1000 =
6 000

7 x 1000 =
7 000

8 x 1000 =
8 000

9 x 1000 =
9 000

10 x 1000 =
10, 000

Practice with the song.

Listen to the song

Download the midi file

(Four measure introduction)

Add a ze-ro to the end
You have mul-ti-plied by 10
Add two 0's. Use your head,
Mul-ti-ply by one hun-dred.


Add three 0's. This is fun.
Mul-ti-ply by one thou-sand.
How much fur-ther can you go?
There's no lim-it, you should know.

Now go to Tens





Ones Finger Power

Count by Twos

Twos Finger Power

Twos worksheet

Count by Threes

Threes Finger Power

Threes worksheet

Count by Fours

Fours Finger Power

Fours worksheet


2x2 etc.



Count by Fives

Fives Finger Power

Fives worksheet

Do-able Doubles

Doubles worksheet

Fabulous Fives

Super Sixes

Sixes Finger Power



7 & 8


No-Nonsense Nines

Nines Finger Power

Nines worksheet

Add Zero (Tens)

Tens worksheet

?= 7x8

Sevens Finger Power

Eights Finger Power

Empty Nests (Zeros)

Back to Musical Multiplication