" To paint the rose," wrote a well-equipped writer on the death of Fantin-Latour, " is not one of the loftiest tasks an artist can set himself, but Fantin did it supremely well, and with such handling and taste as his, a picture of a bunch of Fowers in a vase became undeniably a dignified and delightful work of art." But Fantin was more than a painter of flowers. Those who have studied his " Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Edwards," in the National Gallery, or his portrait-groups "Un Coin de Table" and " A Studio at Batignolles," in the Luxembourg, will agree that Fantin was a worker of high order, and in his handling of colour, equal to the best. If his drawing was, at times, a little uncertain and faulty, it was a defect redeemed by many merits.
In another medium than oil - that of lithography - Fantin further gained appreciation in the world of art. For nearly twenty years he laboured assiduously to revive the lithographer's art, then degraded by commercial use, and yearly produced a number of subjects, regularly exhibited at the Salons, and now prized by the great museums and private collectors. A fine set of proofs is in the possession of the British Museum, Many of his subjects were inspired by the works of Wagner, Schumann, and contemporary composers, all showing that Fantin was poet as well as craftsman. As was once said of him, he " wrapped his soul in music. Then he took his crayons, and with wondrous dexterity drew, for his fellows to see, the visions he heard."
Fantin-Latour was born in 1836, and, after studying painting with his father, entered the studios of Couture and Courbet. He died in 1904, full of years and honour.
From the book "Famous Paintings" Volume 2 printed in 1913.
Large files of this public domain print are available at Stock Photos at Songs of Praise
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Online "Name the Painting"
Henri Fantin-LaTour
at Wikipedia
Fantin-LaTour Biography
at Olga's Gallery
Famous Paintings in this Series