By VELAZQUEZ (1599-1660)
It is a remarkable tribute to the enduring power of the genius of Velazquez, that while he exercised but little influence over the minds of his contemporaries, he profoundly affected the painters of modern times, particularly in France and throughout Europe. Among those whose works show clearly the impress of his genius may be mentioned Corot, Millet, Whistler and Sargent, most particularly the last named, whose methods as a portrait painter must inevitably recall the works of the master.
Velazquez was a Court painter, and it was only natural that he should confine his attention to portraiture. Painting, however, was by no means his life-work; it was rather the fruit of his leisure. He filled a succession of offices in the Royal Court of Spain, in the last of which, that of Marshal of the Court, he contracted the fever which caused his death, while arranging a Royal journey to France.
His work is characterised by a technical perfection unique in art, yet so sure and facile that Sir Joshua Reynolds, himself a painter of almost incredible facility, said that he was trying to do with great labour what Velazquez did at once. His colours are pure and sparkling, while his portraits are marked by a truthfulness to life and by an insight into character which make them types for all time.
King Philip IV. was the painter's master and patron, and his patronage has been richly repaid by the immortality which has been conferred upon him. This picture has been well described as " a harmony in black and silver." The King stands, a pallid figure clad in sombre magnificence, against a table. One feels the chill of his pride as one realises the coldness of the man of whom it was said that he laughed but three times in his life.
From the book "Famous Paintings" Volume 2 printed in 1913.
Large files of this public domain print are available at Stock Photos at Songs of Praise
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Diego Velazquez
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