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Bible Slideshows

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Bible Slideshows
Your slideshows have been used in the past to enhance our Sunday School lessons but now we cannot access them. As a Sunday School teacher, I'm very disappointed in this decision.D. Gerbrandt

The Bible Slideshows are still available online at Garden of and Bible Lesson

D. Gerbrandt
Bible Slideshows
I would like to use these pictures for sermons. Is it okay for me to take screenshots of the pictures and use them?
The pictures used in the slideshows are copyrighted by Gospel Services. You can order the DVD of the slideshows if you would like use the pictures.

Bible Slideshows
your gospel slideshows are very useful in our street children ministry, please help us to avail those by extending your ministry to us. we are really in need of these materials. we really need your materials support.GOD bless you.we glad to hear you.
Bible Slideshows
we love and enjoy your slide shows ,how can we down load and use to teach preschoolers please? Emy

The slideshows cannot be downloaded because of the way they are made, but you can order a DVD of the 100 Bible Slideshows from Gospel Services for $39.99 here:
If you live outside the USA the postage is very expensive and will raise the cost to about $65.

Bible Slideshows
How do I pay in South African money for the DVD?
Please send your request to gs_AT_gospelservices_DOT_com to get more information about this.

Bible Slideshows
I am a pastor and evangelist in this Hindu nation Nepal. I wish I was able to download your slideshows and teach my people who learn by seeing,and less by hearing. Can you offer some for free.
God bless you and yours.
Deepak Shah Shankar
I do not own the copyright to the pictures that are on the Bible slideshows. You can order a DVD of the 100 Bible Slideshows from Gospel Services for $39.99 here:

Bible Slideshows
Thank you for this site. I am The Seventh Day Adventist Church Member. I love children and I like to talk to them about the bible story, make them understand God's plan since they still young. How can I download this 'slideshow'? Thank you
The Bible slideshows cannot be downloaded. They are made with pictures that are owned by Gospel Services. But you can order a DVD of the 100 Bible Slideshows for $39.99 from them here:

Bible Slideshows
Love your website. We use is here in Belize as well to teach bible lessons at school and at church. Many teachers USe this site.
Blessings!! thank you ver much!!
Bible Slideshows
I am a Sunday school teacher in M F M Abuja Niigeria.Your site is simply fantastic IS it downloadable?

Most things at Garden of Praise can be downloaded free of charge, but the slideshows cannot be downloaded. However can be ordered from Gospel Services

Bible Slideshows
God bless all of you.
I like this site so much, I have a request if you have martha and Mary with Jesus in a slide show or if you have any idea how to get the student live this story.
Bible Slideshows
Grace be with you in Christ Jesus,

I find your site very relevant in my Sunday School & outreach teaching. Are you slides shows stories downloadable?If it is, how? if its not, how much would it costs to have those?

Bible Slideshows
I'm a Sunday School Teacher at one of Thiong Hua church in south Sulawesi, Indonesia. I'm just looking for an activities for my children on next sunday. When i found this site i'm so excited. so many things i got for my skill development. Thanks for this n Gbu all
Stefanny Wijaya
Bible Slideshows
Wow...I've been browsing Internet quite long when I finally arrived in this site. I am a teacher in one private school in Indonesia and I am preparing bible stories in our chapel program. This site gives more than I expected. Thank you for sharing the material. God bless...
Maria Soeharto
Bible Slideshows
I don't have word to say when I saw you site for the first time. It has each and every material that can be used in a Sunday School. One day I prayed to God very earnestly to show me the way to teach to our Sunday School kids, the very next moment I got your site link in my Google Search. I praised God for this site. It has been very helpful for me.
God bless you.
Praise the LORD.
Sravan Nakka
Bible Slideshows
Your site is WONDERFUL!!! Thank you so much for providing these beautiful graphics and well-written stories for free. It is hard to find really good pictures for Bible stories and this is so helpful in teaching Sunday School, especially in our day of modern technology when children are in a whole different world than when I was a child. May God bless you for your giving attitude and the many hours I'm sure you must devote to serving Him and others in this way.
Jacksonville, FL
Bible Slideshows
Hello my name is William:

I am a Sunday school teacher, I live in Taiwan and I teach at "WU Chang" church. I want to thank you for this awesome site, because it really helps the kids visualize what the LORD did.


Bible Slideshows
Hi~! I'm a Filipino Missionary-Teacher sent here in South, Korea.I reaLLy want to thank u for this website.It's really very helpfuL to me in my Bible Classes..I hope that more people will be bLessed thrOugh this site..God bless us aLL.^^
Felia Jane Bante
Bible Slideshows
Pax Christi! I was invited to teach Religion class for the elementary level for the St. Bridget's College, M. H. Del Pilar, Batangas City, Philippines 4200 and I hope that I could pass all their requirements before teaching in that school. I am finishing professional units in that school and am preparing for the Teacher's Board Exam perhaps next year. I found that your website may help students study about God and I am asking for your permission to use this website in the future for them to understand something about God even without the presence of the teachers. This may be a perfect material for children of all ages and I hope that I could support this website in evangelizing and promoting Christianiy, holiness, Catholicism and faith by spreading the Good News using the internet. I am willing to work for this cause and I hope that I could do the job in the future. Thank you again and may you have more blessings from God in the future!

Yours in Christ,

Emmanuel Tio (Batangas, Southern Tagalog, Philippines)
Emmanuel C. Tio
Bible Slideshows
Thank you so for creating this website. This is just very useful in giving Bible stories to our kids here in South Korea. God bless and more power to you!
Bible Slideshows
I have alote to say i love god so much he made food for us so we wont be hungry god had to give his skin away for food and his blood to drink

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