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Creation Memory Pegs

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Creation Memory Pegs
Thankyou so much for this website, I have a bible camp to teach(I am voluntary religion teacher)and instead of routinely reading, nice way of slideshow and printable memory sheets. God bless.
Maryann Lazurus
Creation Memory Pegs
thank you for sharing this website you help me a lot in terms of teaching children in Sunday school,actually this is the answer to my problem ,,now i know your website i will never ever had a problem in finding what story will i be given to the children..thanks and God bless you
Creation Memory Pegs
I am a first year DRE and feeling very frustrated and dreading to continue the camp the religious ed puts on each yr. After discovering your website, my enthusiasm and creative juices are at an all time HIGH!!!Sincerist gratitude for sharing with us!!You are true disciples!
Creation Memory Pegs
Thank you so much for allowing anyone to use this material to teach young children. The children and adults have benefit from them. God bless you!
Creation Memory Pegs
PTL!Thank you so much Garden of Praise.You don't know how your website has helped me a lot especially this time where I am in a country that is still persecuted. Your materials are just the ones I've been looking for as it's my first time to teach Enaglish to teenagers, using Bible as the main text. You're the answer to my prayer. More power to you! to Him be the glory alone!
Creation Memory Pegs
Thank you Garden of Praise for being available to me and all of the children in my Sabbath Bible School. This website is exactly what I been looking for to place my group back in motion of winning young people to Christ. The children loves these stories along with the activities that come with it, totally free of charge. May God bless you to continue on doing His will. Thank you!
Sister Sonya Outen

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