While Jesus is crossing town to visit with Jairus, the Ruler of the Synagogue, crowds are all around seeking healing. A woman with a bleeding problem slips up behind him. In her heart she knows if she can just "touch the hem of his clothing" she will be healed - so she did.
Jesus, knowing that power surged out of him with that touch knew what had happened!
But to test his disciples he said, "Who touched me?" The disciples said, "Lord, look at all this crowd. Who knows who touched you?" Jesus healed the woman for her great and abiding, trusting faith!
This lady had spent all her money on doctors in an effort to get the flow of blood stopped. She has great faith! How precious is her trust in our Lord. Let us always imitate it!
With faith in Jesus we too must seek Jesus when we have any kind of problem. He delights in helping us - especially when we are sick! The prayer of faith still works miracles today.
Jesus said, "Ask and ye shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. The key is to ASK! (Ask, Seek, Knock) Jesus answers all our prayers. Sometimes he moves immediately.
Sometimes He says "Wait and trust a little longer" and sometimes He knows the request is harmful to our soul and provides something better in the long run! Seek Him. He will hear.
This miracle and the following one, the healing the daughter of Jairus, are the only miracles with the same zip code. Jesus is interrupted on the way to the home of Jairus.
This is the fifteenth recorded miracle of Jesus.