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Two Blind Men and a Demoniac

Jesus Heals Two Blind Men by El Greco

Prior to the event we are about to study Jesus had restored life to the daughter of Jairus. His fame spread throughout the land.

As he was leaving the area two blind men followed him. They had probably heard people talking about the miracles Jesus had been performing. If Jesus could do those things, he could make them well also!

They said to him, "Son of David, have mercy on us."

They continued to follow him until he came into a house. Jesus said to them, "Do you believe I am able to do this?"

"Oh, yes Lord! We believe that you can make us see again."

He touched their eyes and said, "Let it happen then, just as you believe!"

Immediately the men could see everything around them. Jesus told them not to tell anyone, but of course, you know what they did. They went about telling everyone that Jesus had made them well and now they were able to see. They were so excited they could not keep the good news to themselves.

As Jesus was leaving they brought to him a man who could not speak because he was possessed with a devil. He cast the devil out and the man was able to speak. The people marveled saying, "We have never seen anything like this in Israel!"

Many commentators consider the healing of the blind men and the dumb man as one miracle since they are in the same chapter.

This is the seventeenth miracle of Jesus.

Matthew 9:27-33

Zip Code 9000

Memory Hook

As a memory hook for this miracle imagine three men arm-in-arm at the back door of your house. There is knocking at the door. These men are guards and will let no one in.

A frightened big black cat jumps off the overhanging porch on top of their heads frantically jumping from one to the other. The one cat suddenly becomes 9 cats! There are three cats on each man's head. The cats scratch at the eyes of two of the men and they become blind.

The third man goes crazy thinking he is about to get his eyes scratched out. His hair turns white, little horns pop out on the top of his head and he begins to slobber and moan like a mourning dove. But the cats do not bother this man.

(This is a fun story to pantomime. Lots of hilarious stuff going on in the story. The miracle of the two blind men occurs right before the feeding of the 5000.)

head+9 = Matthew 9

This zip code means the account is found in the 9th chapter of Matthew (9), and it is not found in Mark, Luke, or John (000).

(Remember this hook)
  • Head = Matthew
  • Arms = Mark
  • Waist = Luke
  • Feet = John


Story and Word Scramble *

Word Match *

Work a Jigsaw Puzzle

Raising of Jairus' Daughter Feeding the 5000

The Miracles of Jesus

Water to Wine

Nobleman's Son

Catch of Fish

Healing of Demoniac

Peter's Mother-in-Law

Leper Healed

Down Through the Roof


Crippled Hand

Centurion's Servant

Widow's Son

Blind Dumb Man

Jesus Calms the Storm

Gadarene Demoniac

Bleeding Woman

Jairus' Daughter

Blind Demoniac

Feeding of the 5000

Jesus Walks on Water


Deaf Dumb Healed

Feeding of the 4000

Blind Man

Boy With Demon

Tax Money from a Fish

Man Blind From Birth

Mute Man

Stooped Woman

Man with Dropsy

Lazarus Raised

Ten Lepers Healed

Blind Bartimaeus

Fig Tree Cursed

Malchus' Ear Healed

Second Catch of Fish
. .

*Word Scramble Solution

*Word Match Solution

Puzzles on these pages courtesy of
Songs of Praise and Armored Penguin