Matthew is the only gospel writer who tells about this miracle.Since he was a former tax collector it was probably of special interest to him.
The tax-collector came to Peter to collect the two-drachma tax. This tax was the equivalent of about two days wages. They asked, "Doesn't your master pay tribute (or the temple tax)?
Peter said, "Yes, he does."
When Peter came into the house to talk to Jesus about it, Jesus said, "
Peter, who pays taxes to the kings, his own children or strangers?"
Peter said, "Strangers."
Jesus said, "Then the children are free, but we don't want to offend them so we will pay the tax. Go to the sea and cast a hook into the water. You will catch a fish and I want you to open his mouth and you will find the tax money. Take it and pay the tax for the two of us."
Jesus as the Son of God and Lord of the earth was not subject to the tax, but through this miracle he paid it anyway.
This is the twenty-fifth recorded miracle of Jesus.