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Jesus Curses the Fig Tree

The Cursed Fig Tree, Tissot

As Jesus was returning to the city he was hungry. He saw a fig tree far off. He went over to it to see if there were any figs on it, even though it was not the season for figs. The tree had only leaves on it.

He said to the tree, "You will never again grow any fruit."

The next morning as they passed by the same tree it was withered and dried up. His disciples were shocked that it had died so quickly.

Jesus said to them, "If you have faith and don't doubt, you can do the same thing I did and even greater things. You can say to this mountain 'Get up and jump into the sea'and it will happen. If you have faith when you pray, you will be given whatever you ask for."

This is the thirty-third recorded miracle of Jesus.

Matthew 21:18-22

Mark 11:12-14

Zip Code 21-11-00

Memory Hook

Jesus is in the library at church and has caused quite a commotion over a hypocrite fig tree. He was hungry yesterday and saw a nice fig tree, went over to pick a fig and found it empty. As a result he cursed the tree so that no figs would ever grow on it again.

What is the hook? Imagine that in the wall of the library there is a big hole. The top of a fig tree is sticking through the hole.

The 21 upper branches near my head are blasting a 21-gun salute while the 11 lower bare branches near my chest drum out the song "Dixie"!

head+21 = Matthew 21
chest+11 = Mark 11


This zip code means the story is found in the 21st chapter of Matthew (21), the 11th chapter of Mark (11), and is not recorded in Luke or John.

(Remember this hook)
  • Head = Matthew
  • Arms = Mark
  • Waist = Luke
  • Feet = John


Story and Word Scramble *

Word Match *

Work a Jigsaw Puzzle

Blind Men Healed Malchus' Ear Healed

The Miracles of Jesus

Water to Wine

Nobleman's Son

Catch of Fish

Healing of Demoniac

Peter's Mother-in-Law

Leper Healed

Down Through the Roof


Crippled Hand

Centurion's Servant

Widow's Son

Blind Dumb Man

Jesus Calms the Storm

Gadarene Demoniac

Bleeding Woman

Jairus' Daughter

Blind Demoniac

Feeding of the 5000

Jesus Walks on Water


Deaf Dumb Healed

Feeding of the 4000

Blind Man

Boy With Demon

Tax Money from a Fish

Man Blind From Birth

Mute Man

Stooped Woman

Man with Dropsy

Lazarus Raised

Ten Lepers Healed

Blind Bartimaeus

Fig Tree Cursed

Malchus' Ear Healed

Second Catch of Fish
. .

*Word Scramble Solution

*Word Match Solution

Puzzles on these pages courtesy of
Songs of Praise and Armored Penguin