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Jan Vermeer

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The Lacemaker by Jan Vermeer
Thank you! Thank you! This site is so absolutely wonderful! Thank you for the time you have spent putting it together . It is a great blessing to me and to my children! God bless you!
The Lacemaker by Jan Vermeer
I don't really have any words on what to say about his paintings. But I actually have a few. His paintings are absolutely breathtaking! I learned alot about Vermeer with the book called Chasing Vermeer. you guys or girls should really read it. it's really sad we know very little about his life. when you see a painting you just feel like learning about the artists life. but when you come to Vermeer, there is not much to tell. it's really to bad because his paintings ar beautiful
The Lacemaker by Jan Vermeer
WOW!! I feel as though I have stumbled onto a pot of gold! This information is absolutely wonderful. So nice of you to share it. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
The Lacemaker by Jan Vermeer
Thank you for the wonderful art appreciation lessons. I am not able to get the worksheet for Vermeer to come up, though.
Thanks for writing. It is working now.

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