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How to Feed Your Family for Less
These tips and hints are so helpful. I've often found myself having to fee my family on 30 -50$ a week. It is more than doable and I wish that everyone saw this website. It is so helpful and even fun! My daughter just had a blast making her very first cake in a mug and my little sis can't wait to receive one on her birthday!
Teachings of Jesus
This page was very useful to teach my cheldrans.

The Ten Commandments
" You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God."
Is this really an accurate interpretation of the 3rd commandment? Vain stems from vanity which can mean that you should not use your conscious contact with God as a reason to feel above or better than others. I think the true intent has nothing to do with uttering some swear words distasteful as they may be.
Bible Slideshows
Pax Christi! I was invited to teach Religion class for the elementary level for the St. Bridget's College, M. H. Del Pilar, Batangas City, Philippines 4200 and I hope that I could pass all their requirements before teaching in that school. I am finishing professional units in that school and am preparing for the Teacher's Board Exam perhaps next year. I found that your website may help students study about God and I am asking for your permission to use this website in the future for them to understand something about God even without the presence of the teachers. This may be a perfect material for children of all ages and I hope that I could support this website in evangelizing and promoting Christianiy, holiness, Catholicism and faith by spreading the Good News using the internet. I am willing to work for this cause and I hope that I could do the job in the future. Thank you again and may you have more blessings from God in the future!

Yours in Christ,

Emmanuel Tio (Batangas, Southern Tagalog, Philippines)
Emmanuel C. Tio
Keyboard and Music Theory
Such a great information! It really helps! thanks!
The Philippian Jailer
thanks a lot for these Bible lessons. very useful for our kids at church. love the activities that go with the lessons too
Keyboard and Music Theory
Thank you for your generousity.
the story was really interesting and has a lot of facts.
Song Arrangements
You have provided all the necessary infos needed to become a good keyboard player (when you practice everyday, ofcourse).

Thanks a lot.

Daniel B.
Ten Commandments, Memory Pegs
I am amazed at how hard it is to find teaching materials for children on the Ten Commandments. Thank You for providing this link!!!!I will be using it alot! I was just abt to give up & told the Lord that He was going to have to find it for me. Here u r! Thanks again!
Keyboard and Music Theory
Thank you very much. Well written and explained.
Pauline Patrick
Song of Noah
very useful for S.S...
thank u very much!!!
God bless...
Helen Keller
this page is cool!
alyssa bianca
Helen Keller
heyy! i lurve this page!!!!!!
Ten Commandments, Memory Pegs
Tks a million! I will use the photos to teach the students in public school.
Creation Memory Pegs
i print this bible story for my children, so that in this story may they know the value about the story of god.and thank you so much in your website...
Halls, Walls, and Bulletin Boards
I was really blown away by the amount of time, love, and care that was put into the photos that were shown. What a tremendous job on behalf of the teachers and students! Wonderful!
Joey Udovich
The Temptation of Jesus
you should really include symbols that stand for The Temptation as well
Bible Stories
All i wana say is that 'our GOD is awesome he does things which no one could xpect.he say as far as the heaven is to the earth so it is our taught to his
Juwe moses mofeyisayo
Ten Commandments, Memory Pegs
I was just thinking about teaching my children the ten commandments and I thank you and God for this website. I will add it to my favorites and tell everyone I know about this site. I think we as a society need to go back to the basics and bring God back into education.

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