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God's Exquisite Garden Inspirational Bible Lessons
Hi, I'm Arnel Torres, looking for materials for the upcoming new women's group to join the church, i happened to see your website and am so thankful GOD has given you so much strength and commitment despite what you're going through, i really hope the Spirit in you would go through with the messages as i make use of it in the sessions to come for the women's and the young adults, thank you so much, GOD Bless You
convincing info.thanks.
The Courtyard of a House in Delft by Pieter de Hooch
I was happy to find out about Pieter de Hooch, having come across his name while reading Proust
Introduction to the Keyboard
Thank you so much for this free material, may you reap a thousand fold as you've sown, thanks. Mrs O.London
Mrs Oke
I find all info Refreshing for a 81 year old mind.I was interested in 6/8 timing,never had to understand before to copy Hymn's you do.Thank you very much Dick Rountree
Introduction to the Keyboard
good thanks
This is a awesome resource for spreading the Word or God to all ages. God Bless you for your efforts.
Mike Smith
Keyboard and Music Theory
Thank you very much for the free information. May the Good Lord bless you all. Martin, Malawi
Bible Stories
This site is fabulous, you will be rewarded greatly by the Most High God, Jesus Christ. Love you all
Marian Gordon
Stephen, the First Martyr
May God Continue to Bless you and your family. Thank You. I love reading the story of Stephen. I have an cousin who is in prison now named Steve. I look forward to seeing him set free soon! With Christian Love, N. Korey Hart
I hope your cousin does well. I would like to recommend the New Life Behavior program for him. It was developed especially for people in prison to help them keep from returning to prison after they get out. Check it out.

Peter and John
GREAT! I love this sight it is sooo helpful to me. God Bless You!
Grammar Songs
LOVE it!!
This is something I cannot understand. What do you mean ,, King James Version,,? Who was king James? Was he around at the time of Solomon? How many versions of the bible are there?
You can go here to read in many translations of the Bible:
And this site tells more about the different translations:

God chose prophets from amongst the people to guide them. He always chose infallible people. It is abominable to suggest that Solomon worshipped idols. If what you say is correct then it suggests that God does not have a clue what He is doing. May He forgive you for such notions
No one is infallible. Jesus Christ was the only perfect person who ever lived. Some of the kings and prophets had great weaknesses.
As for Solomon, have you not read 1 Kings 11:4?
"For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God, as was the heart of David his father.(King James Version)

Keyboard and Music Theory
Thanks for being considerate to put 'Learning to play the piano' text for free.
Keyboard and Music Theory
Sir! I respect your contribution!! i really wanted such stuff and finally i got it here. I will always include you in my prayers.. May God bless you and give u a prosperous life..
Sharps and Flats
hello i was wondering if you could help me find the music for "dreaming with a broken heart" by john mayer one that is free and printable. for a keyboard, it has 36 white keys and 25 black keys
Go to Google search engine and put in "dreaming with a broken heart piano sheet music" and you will find several links.

Helen Keller
Hi Mrs. Stevens,
Thank you for putting together this resource. I think Helen Keller is an inspiration to everyone. I wanted to share my favorite quote of hers:
"Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it."

Mike Jones
Keyboard and Music Theory
Thank you so Much.. From bohol, philippines.. mabuhay!
Keyboard and Music Theory
Thank you so much for the pdf file. most appreciated.

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