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Keyboard and Music Theory
I have a passion for playing a keyboard. This is a wonderful service you have provided for us. Thank You and God Bless you
Thomas A. Edison
The article was quite interesting. Good going...
I would like to draw your attention towards an article on “Inventions that revolutionised the world”. Every schoolchild knows that the scientific genius and inventor, Thomas Alva Edison invented the light bulb in 1879. Though the credit to make electric bulbs commercially viable goes to him, many believe that he did not invent the bulb and bought patents from those who did.
Deborah Sampson
I do think that Spencer Lee has a point. The captcha thing got me because I too did a project on Deborah Sampson, but I'm not a cyborg, I'm atheist and feel that the captcha of 'prayer' was upsetting to me. You go Spencer! Fight the power!
Leila Darkness Smith
Deborah Sampson
me and my friend have to do a research project on deborah sampson and this is very helpful. im very grateful for this. also i have to say the whole captcha thing made me upset. i am cyborg and that means i am half robot, half human, and i still could type it in. i feel discriminated upon. but the site was still helpful. thank you. but no thankful.
Spencer Lee Roomba
Introduction to the Keyboard
Excellent description of the keys
God Bless the Children
Thi is a beautiful, inspired song - so thank you very much for it. I am creating a blessing ceremony for my great-niece who is just 1 month old. She has been born during a very difficult year for her parents who are dealing with a very rare form of cancer that has afflicted their young son. The family comproses one other child - the eldest, who is a girl. The ceremony is part of my Interfaith training, and I hope one day soon to be able to deliver it to my dear family.
Rosa Parks
It helped me alot find information for my honors government paper. Thanks
Louis Pasteur
This was a helpful resource but please put the copyright info on there!!
Benjamin Franklin
Hi! This page helped me a lot. maybe you should put where Benjamin worked. Otherwise, thanks!
Christopher Columbus
were did you get this info ?
Christopher Columbus
yeah you should REALLY write on the the author and the time where this page was published because i have to write that down on my n.b for an assigment and i dont now what to do!
George Washington
nice page for info about George Washington. it helped.. (:
Creation Memory Pegs
you totally failed to include day 7. It is also a part of creative week. You truly need to update this creation week lesson. How could you have forgotten day 7!
Mona Lisa by Leonardo Da Vinci
Oh you're right that's weird. I also heard that Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.
Portrait of a Man in a Red Cap by Titian
If you want some information on his family, it may be of interest to you to know that the Vecelli family was noble, but not wealthy. His father's name was Gregorio, his mother was Lucia, his brother was Francesco and his sister's name was Orsa. Thought you might want to know this because there is not alot of information on the Vecellio (or Vecelli) family. Hope this helps! :)
Someone who Knows alot about Titian
Portrait of a Man in a Red Cap by Titian
Thank You, this was very helpful! The only thing I noticed is that you mentioned he had ffour children. This is true, but one of his daughters did not survive, leaving his sons Pomponio and Orazio, and his daughter Lavinia.
The correction has been made. Thanks
Helen Keller
this cite is ok
Jesus is beast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meriwether Lewis
Woah!! Amazing info. on this site! This info. will definatley earn me an A+ on my project! Thanks!!
David and Goliath
David And Goliath
by Ron Tranmer ©

From David and Goliath,
a bible time long gone,
we learn it matters not our size,
but just who’s side we’re on.

If we will face life’s battles
with the Father, and His Son,
we’ll not fall, but win them all.
Each and every one.

They’ll guide us and protect us,
and watch over us with pride.
Strong we’ll be, as our enemy’s flee
when God is on our side.
Ron Tranmer

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