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Martin Luther King Jr.
Sorry i miss wrote that "Is it true that martin got expelled after they found out his AGE?
Girl u Don't Know
Martin Luther King Jr.
I found that at so im not sure. I am not going to put it in my report!
Girl u dont know
Martin Luther King Jr.
Thanks I found it out but the websites i found it on barely had anything else!!! BTW i hope the websites r true!!! Can you find that out?
Santa Lover
Martin Luther King Jr.
Hey Santa Lover, That is really good info thanks!!! It will help me on my report!
Girl U Don't Know
Martin Luther King Jr.
Here is more info:he was expelled from school when the teacher found out he was only 5 years old!!!!(I tell u if i find any more info since i am doing a project on him)
Santa Lover
Martin Luther King Jr.
What was the date that Martin got his Nobel Peace Prize???
Girl U Don't Know
Martin Luther King Jr.
All you people that love this website say

Girl U Don't Know
Martin Luther King Jr.
This website is AWESOME!
I asked a question about a bibliogaphy and they allready answered! Thank you so much Mrs.Stevens
Girl U Don't Know
Martin Luther King Jr.
I am doing a project,and i used your website for info on Martin Luther King Jr. Now i how to type a bibliography. What is the authors 1st and last name?

Webmaster's note: Look here for the information.
Bibliography Problem
Wilbur and Orville Wright
this realy helped me on my report.
Martin Luther King Jr.
i guess he is cool
Martin Luther King Jr.
so cool
The Beatitudes
a very wonderful website
I am a school director. I love the Lord. Like you guys!! I will be more than happy to help you translate your Bible stories into my native language Amharic. You know there are plenty fo children who are hungry for stories as beautiful as yours. God bless you! solhag_AT_live_DOT_com or solhag_AT_ymail_DOT_com or asohago_AT_gmail_DOT_com
Solomon Hagos

Thank you so much Solomon for the translations in Amharic. They are such a blessing!

Helen Keller
i love u helen keller
Louis Pasteur
I need to know who worte this page and when it was written, also when it was last updated.... My report is really hard, and I have to do a "Works-Cited" slide!!

Webmaster's note: Look here for the information.
George Washington Carver
y did u delete the comments

Garden of Praise reserves the right to monitor comments. When feuds and personal attacks on others are posted they will be deleted. Also objectionable language will be eliminated.
Bible Stories
thanks for the continuous blessings!
The Twelve Spies
God bless, you are certainly a life server in has been trying to keep my children in the sunday class interested, and your lessons certainly do that.
George Washington Carver
thanks for this page you guys are true gangsters for putting up this site thanks
austin Nehls

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