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Bible Slideshows
Thank you so for creating this website. This is just very useful in giving Bible stories to our kids here in South Korea. God bless and more power to you!
David and Goliath
very nicely laid out, great information.
The Creation
The Lord surely has a way of working things out when it is His will. I prayed for a site that was free and informative that would give resources for a variety of ages in a small Wednesday night Bible class for children and He lead me to your site. I have never "taught" children other than my own and I am looking forward to the chance to do so with the help of your informative site. May God Bless you and your family. Thanks again! Agape love...
Bible Stories
praise jesus. pls pray 4 me and my family
G. mariyal
The Creation
Hi bro/sis praise JESUS!!! Im not from a Christian family and am worshipping GOD secretly without my parent's knowledge i dont have anyone to teach me BIBLE.But this website really is good and shortly i will study the whole BIBLE.Things get into mind when people read it as a story .. this whole site is potrayed in such a way..GOD bless you all!!!
Ludwig van Beethoven
I am Siamese, sorry for rusty English.
I am very impressive in Beethoven's symphonies. I think the Beethoven's symphonies were created to simulate a human life cycle. Beginning at his symphony No. 1 = Emerging of a child with innocent feeling of surrounding and got a lot of take care from his parents. Symphony No. 2 = life at teen-age stage with a lot of romantic feeling (I listen the second movement; Oboe-low pitch = male. violin-high pitch = female (sorry, may be mention of wrong instruments. I have no knowledge in music. I listen to music with pure emotional feeling.) and I see the movie "The Sound of Music" at the scene "you are sixteen going on seventeen..."). Also at this stage they possess a lot og impressive feeling in hero (in fact I think the symphony No. 3 represents something like "Tale of a Hero" (first movement = emerging of the hero; second movement = dead of the hero; third movement = celebrate the death hero; fourth movement = legend (I listen the beginning melody of the fourth movement and I feel like "Once upon a time..." or "long long times ago there was...")). The fourth symphony represents life growing up and gaining the knowledge, experience, etc. (the melody reminds me the feeling of the university graduate's atmosphere). To becomes a full strength and intelligent in the fifth. Then it is times to enjoin life at the sixth (Burgundy! Resort!! Royal Salute!!!). The seven symphony represents life going to the old age (first movement = recognizes the fading juvenile (the melody go from low pitch to high pitch); second movement = feeling of deep sorrow (even some crying melody); third movement = try to regain (fitness, exercise, health care, alternative medicine, etc.); fourth movement = achieves some success with feeling of cheer (the melody go from high pitch to low pitch). Eventually life becomes an old man in the eight symphony (first movement = watch the children playing; second movement = teaching, look after the children; third movement = thinking of the passed juvenile life with the feeling of deep sorrow; fourth movement = thinking of the 'would go' place (pantheon, heaven). And THEN! life reaches the ninth symphony = Final Destination!. Then the human world has no chance to listen to the tenth symphony because it was "song of the heaven". (Sorry for very short. I feel much more but diificult to write (in English).
The Creation
Thank you very much for preparing this webpage for us. I would say I am not a very resourceful person... but when I found your page, I could say that I am! Praise God!
Bible Slideshows
I have alote to say i love god so much he made food for us so we wont be hungry god had to give his skin away for food and his blood to drink
Creation Memory Pegs
thank you for sharing this website you help me a lot in terms of teaching children in Sunday school,actually this is the answer to my problem ,,now i know your website i will never ever had a problem in finding what story will i be given to the children..thanks and God bless you
Clara Barton
This page really helped for my Rev. war project for 5th grade
Francis Scott Key
there was alot of great information.
Wilbur and Orville Wright
its a very descriptive page and very interesting it helped me understand them better:)
mary ebanks
Keyboard and Music Theory
thanks a really works for beginer like me..
Mahatma Gandhi
thank you so very much for such wonderful free accessible website.
2nd grade teacher
Ten Commandments, Memory Pegs
Thank you very much!
Tongues of Fire
Thank you very much for making these materials handy. This material is a wonderful resource! May God continue to bless you and thank you for being a blessing to others such as myself.
John the Baptist
Great job! I love your work here, I am sharing this with my children at church.
marion wade
User Administration
May the Lord keep and cherish you ... Tuesday may be the beginning of a very long wek..Take care and God bless...Lots of love... really human.
Christopher Columbus
Hello Mrs.Stevens. I am your student and this website really helped me!
Meghan Cunningham
Song Arrangements
Thanks a lot

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